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NHL Rules vs. RHI Rules

Rule                          NHL                     RHI
Number of players on the      Six                     Five
surface at full strength

Minimum number of players     Four                    Three
after penalties

Playing surface               200' X 800'             200' X 800'

Board to goal line            11 feet                 15 feet

Penalty time                  Minor - 2 min.          Minor - 1 1/2 min.
                              Major - 5 min.          Major - 4 min.
                              Misconduct - 10 min.    Misconduct - 10 min.
                              Major Game Misconduct   Major Game Misconduct
                               - Game elimination      - Game elimination,
                                                         next game suspension,
                                                         & penalty shot to non-
                                                         offending team

Fighting penalty              Major                   Major, suspension from
                                                      remainder of game plus
                                                      next game

Two line passes illegal       Yes                     Only one center line -
                                                      no blue lines

Icing                         Called when defensive   Illegal clearing -
                              player touches the      automatic whistle as puck
                              puck                    crosses line

Puck                          Black rubber            Red plastic
                              5 1/2 - 6 oz.           3 1/2 oz.

Surface                       Ice                     Sport Court or concrete

Referee system                1 referee               1 referee
                              2 linesmen              2 linesmen

Length of game                three 20 min. periods   four 12 min. periods

Goal cages                    4' X 6'                 4' X 6'

Number of players             20 - 18 skaters         14 - 12 skaters
                                    2 goalies               2 goalies

Average goals per game        7                       16.7
(both teams)

Average shots per game        60                      96
(both teams)

Overtime                      Reg. season - sudden    shoot-out 
                               death, max 5 min.
                              Playoffs - sudden

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