NHL Rules vs. RHI Rules
Number of players on the Six Five
surface at full strength
Minimum number of players Four Three
after penalties
Playing surface 200' X 800' 200' X 800'
Board to goal line 11 feet 15 feet
Penalty time Minor - 2 min. Minor - 1 1/2 min.
Major - 5 min. Major - 4 min.
Misconduct - 10 min. Misconduct - 10 min.
Major Game Misconduct Major Game Misconduct
- Game elimination - Game elimination,
next game suspension,
& penalty shot to non-
offending team
Fighting penalty Major Major, suspension from
remainder of game plus
next game
Two line passes illegal Yes Only one center line -
no blue lines
Icing Called when defensive Illegal clearing -
player touches the automatic whistle as puck
puck crosses line
Puck Black rubber Red plastic
5 1/2 - 6 oz. 3 1/2 oz.
Surface Ice Sport Court or concrete
Referee system 1 referee 1 referee
2 linesmen 2 linesmen
Length of game three 20 min. periods four 12 min. periods
Goal cages 4' X 6' 4' X 6'
Number of players 20 - 18 skaters 14 - 12 skaters
2 goalies 2 goalies
Average goals per game 7 16.7
(both teams)
Average shots per game 60 96
(both teams)
Overtime Reg. season - sudden shoot-out
death, max 5 min.
Playoffs - sudden